發佈日期︰2021-02-09 │ 發佈人︰後台管理員

BNN Affirms Indonesia to Keep Refusing Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Use in Indonesia

The United Nations has recommended WHO to ratify marijuana as a medical need, 27 countries agreed, 25 countries refused, and 1 country did not take a stand. Indonesia is one of 25 countries that reject the legalization of marijuana for medical use because using marijuana for medical needs in Indonesia has more disadvantages than benefits, there is a big risk of abuse which will have many impacts on health, especially mental health, which if not addressed properly will be very detrimental to the nation and state. Cannabis plants can thrive in the tropical climate in Indonesia and many are used for economic purposes and used as a trading commodity. Controlling the use of marijuana is very difficult, there will be those who use it without thinking about its impact on society and It will become crime. BNN which stands for National Narcotics Board of Republic of Indonesia is an institution that is domiciled under the President and responsible to the President through coordination with the Chief of the Indonesian National Police who is tasked with compiling and implementing national policies regarding prevention, community empowerment, eradication, rehabilitation, law and bilateral cooperation and multiteral, both regional and international. Throughout 2020, the BNN has mapped 92 narcotics syndicate networks, 88 of which were successfully exposed and 14 of them were international syndicate networks. On December 23, 2020, there was a change of top leader at the BNN, President Joko Widodo inaugurated Irjen. Petrus Reinhard Golose as the new head of BNN to replace Komjen. Heru Winarko who has entered retirement period. 




link https://mediaindonesia.com/humaniora/367252/ini-alasan-bnn-tolak-legalisasi-ganja https://www.merdeka.com/peristiwa/bnn-ri-keberatan-ganja-dihapus-dari-obat-berbahaya-p emakai-tetap-dipidana.html

source: Media Indonesia