Release Date︰2022-12-03 │ Publisher︰後台管理員

2022-10-26 Lecture-Experience and Prospect of New Southbound National Psychiatric Medical Exchange

In order to make the psychiatric medical and mental health workforce participating in our country an international outlook in terms of language and professional knowledge, the project held a Lecture on Psychiatric Medicine (Hybrid) on Oct 26, 2022, invited Co-PI of this project Dr. Chen Cheng-Chong (former principal investigator of this project) and President Yang Yanguang of Tainan Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (former principal investigator of REBAMP) as the speaker, with the theme of "Experience and Prospect of New Southbound National Psychiatric Medical Exchange", sharing the experience of exchanging with New Southbound National Psychiatric Medical in the past few years in the process of implementing this project and the future. Meanwhile, online education and training on the website information of "Mental Health Heart to Heart" will be carried out.